Better German Podcast with Susi

Susanne Schilk-Blümel

Episode 38, German Word List Family Members

2024-06-16 15 min Susanne Schilk-Blümel

Description & Show Notes

In episode 38 of the Better German podcast, host Susi Blumel introduces an upcoming German beginner course and discusses a new frequency for podcast episodes. The main focus of the episode is a word list covering family members in German, with translations and helpful illustrations. Learn German repeating those words! Here you can get the list of words used with translation and an illustration.

When you meet new people and talk to them, family could be a subject discussed soon. So our word list of 25 German words (father, mother, brother...) will come in handy! Learn by repetition - and don't forget to download your word list and illustration here.

Key Topics and Bullets
Primary topic: Introduction and Course Announcement
- Change in frequency of the podcast
- Announcement of the new German beginner course in the Better German academy
- Overview of the course content and structure
- Emphasis on the benefits for total beginners and those struggling with speaking German
Primary topic: Word List on Family Members
- Introduction of the word list on family members in German
- The PDF with word list and illustrations
- Explanation of each family member word in German and English
- Details about special considerations for certain words
- Pronunciation practice and invitation for the audience to repeat after the host

- PDF for this episode - Word List with German words about family plus illustration.
- German Case Essentials - Free Guide about Cases
- Appointment for free consultation and placement

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Welcome to a new episode of the better German podcast. This is episode 38, and we're going to cover words for family members in this episode. I'm very, very glad to have you back and listen. I'm very, very glad to have you back. And I'm so glad you're listening to me. maybe you've noticed. I have changed the frequency of the podcast. From coming out once a week. To once every two weeks. The reason for this is that I'm working very, very intensively. To finish. The German beginner course, part one, you can find it in the better German academy. I'm going to link to it. You can already enroll. let me tell you a little bit about this course, because I'm so proud of it. And it's really, really a nice course. And it's a course, like you've, haven't seen it before. So this course is good for anybody. Who's a total beginner. you do need to speak English, but if you're listening to this podcast, you are speaking English. So then your English is definitely good enough. And. So it is 10 units. In total plus an introduction. Plus a review unit. So it's 12 units. It will be around 180 separate. Lessons. Each of them you can do in, Five. Five to 30 minutes. And every single lesson will be easy to do for you. You will learn everything that you need. There is exercises to learn vocabulary. There's exercises to learn how to put the words together to sentences. you will learn the alphabet, there's exercises to practice pronunciation, to practice der, die and das and the plural forums. You will start speaking very, very soon, like, in the first unit already you will start speaking. You will learn the very basic concepts that you need, you will learn to understand der, die, das and how to learn it and how to use it in sentences. And you will learn words about family. Like. The word list that you will later hear, that is also part of the course, and you will learn how to use every one of them. You have written exercises and spoken exercises, there's really everything in this course that you need. It's not a short course. It's a course where you really learn German. You can do it in. As I said, I mean the, the best frequency, to learn if you really want to learn German is to learn every day an hour, and if you do that, you will be through this course in About a month. Or six weeks. That's the idea. And you will actually have made progress. So this course is for you, if you're total beginner, you've never learned German, or even if you've learned some German. But you haven't actually been able to start speaking, or you have learned some German, but you're confused about the whole thing. And you've got the idea, oh my God, this is so hard, then this course is for you. And because I'm working on this course quite intensively, I've switched the frequency of the podcast episodes to every two weeks. but it's definitely continue to come out and the frequency is going to be changed again as well. So let's get into this week's episode, subject. We have a new word list here. It's a word list about family, family members And there is a PDF that you can download here and I suggest to you to download it. So go. To the show notes and click the link there, where it says, download the PDF. and in this PDF, you have a list of all the words in German and in English, and you have an illustration. To go with the words in case you need it. So go to the show notes, click on the link, download the PDF, and let's jump into the word list. So we will go through every one of these words. So let's just go through the words and if there is anything special to say, I'll tell you. I'll say you repeat it. Die Familie. That's the family. die Eltern parents. So that is one word for both the mother and the father together. die Mutter mother. der Vater father. das Kind That's a child. der Sohn. That's the son. die Tochter The daughter. der Bruder brother. The Shasta. Sister. der Junge That's a boy. der Bub Also boy. So for those two words, both are used. Junge is used a little more in Germany. And Bub is used a little bit more in Austria. Das Mädchen That's a girl, even though das Mädchen is a girl. In German It's tough. This is because of "-chen" That's it thing that you can add to a lot of words. To make a word that means a small thing of that word you could say. der Hund, that's a dog. And you could add this "-chen". then you would have the "HündCHEN". That's. At little dog. And, all of these words that you would create like that with adding "-chen". Could do the same thing with bass house. To house. And you add. A "-chen". And also an "Umlaut". And then you have das Häuschen . That's a little house. And all of these words that you create, like that we'll be "das". And that's the reason why. "das Mädchen" is "das". der Freund that's friend, a male version, or the boyfriend. die Freundin That's friend. the female version, or it means girlfriend. der Mann That's the man, And if I see main mum, it means my husband. die Frau woman or seine Frau would be his wife. die Großeltern grandparents. der Großvater Grandfather. die Großmutter the grandmother. Uncle. Now I'll go. That's the brother. Of your father or your mother. And that's. der Onkel. in German. die Tante That's the sister of your father or your mother. This is die Tante der Cousin . In some, I know in some languages, this is the same as brother or sister. We make differentiation here. So der Cousin is the sun of your aunt or uncle or your aunt and uncle obviously. der Cousin, so that's the cousin and it's the male version. We have again, a male and a female version here. der Cousin the cousin. If it's a man or a boy. die Cousine it's a cousin. it's a female version. If it's a woman or a girl. der Enkel That's the grandson. die Enkelin is the grand daughter. All right. There's a next step. I'm just going to say it in German and you're going to repeat it. Again, I invite you to download the freebie. There's a link in the show notes. And in this freebie, you have a list of these words with translations and you also have a picture, or actually an illustration. it's much easier to follow this. If you have this file at hand. So say after me, Say it after me. die Familie die Familie. die Eltern. die Mutter.die Mutter der Vater der Vater. das Kind das Kind der Sohn der Sohn die Tochter die Tochter der Bruder der Brudera. die Schwester die Schwester. der Junge der Junge der Bub der Bub. das Mädchen das Mädchen der Freund der Freund die Freundin. die Freundin der Mann . die Frau die Frau die Großeltern. die Großeltern. der Großvater. der Großvaterr. die Großmutterr. die Großmutters. der Onkel der Onkel die Tante die Tante der Cousin der Cousin die Cousine die Cousine der Enkel der Enkel die Enkelin die Enkelin All right. So here you have it, a word list about family members in German. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you in the next or I'll. I hope to hear you in the next episode of the better German podcast. And I have another request from you. If you enjoy this podcast, if you like it, then, give the podcast a good review. You can give it stars like on iTunes or on Spotify or wherever you hear or listen to the podcast. Please give Give it five stars, not just some stars. and ideally give it a review. And also let me know. What do you think, you can also let me know what you would like to hear and what you would like to know. And that would help a lot. And if you know someone, this podcast could be helpful for, and please send it to him. Share the episode So please do that. and I will come to you with a new episode in about two weeks, and if you are looking for a course, you can go to better And find the courses available there. Okay. See you. Bye bye.

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