Better German Podcast with Susi

Susanne Schilk-Blümel

Better German Podcast Episode 6 Wordlist Body Parts

2023-09-28 18 min

Description & Show Notes

PDF with the list and translations to download
In this episode of the Better German podcast you will learn a list of words - body parts - in German! This is a great list for total beginners, it is also good as a review or if you want to learn the correct articles for the words. You will learn the meaning and the pronunciation of these words by repeating. I encourage you to get the PDF with the written out words and translation from my homepage.

The next episode builds on this one and you will learn to say sentences with these words. 

Find the PDF with a list of the words including their articles and the translation here. The PDF also contains simple example sentences with every word, including a translation and some helpful links.

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Welcome to the Better German podcast. My name is Susi Blümel, and I will teach you German and everything around the language , the countries and the culture. Hello, welcome to the Better German podcast. My name is Susi. I'm your host. I'm a German teacher. And my mission and my vision is to help all learners of German — you — to learn German without any super complicated rules and without the things that have made German learning difficult sometimes. Okay, so here we go, the first word list we're going to do together. This is a very basic word list about body parts. Maybe I'm going to include a few explanations on what we're doing. So this is a word list of nouns words that refer to objects or things, or even feelings, conditions. In German, when we learn a word list, we're always including articles. Don't worry, we're going to repeat them - just so you understand why they're there: for every noun we need to learn with it if it's "der", "die", or "das". If you haven't heard, or if you don't know what I'm talking about and what's with the "der", "die" and "das" and you don't know what an article is: I've recorded an episode, It's called "Introduction to articles" and you can find it on the podcast and it's going to be in the course as well, of course. So, it's a good idea that you listen to that first, so you know what we're talking about. Basically very simple, we're going to do repeating things. I'm going to say you're going to repeat it, and I'm going to tell you what to do. So ideally, if you cannot speak right now, like if you're, in the tram and you're listening to this episode and maybe you can't say anything, okay, fine, you can listen to it, however, ideally you say these out loud. As much as you can, don't be afraid and just do it. You can even do it together with a partner. If you have a friend who also wants to learn German, grab him. (or her), get a hold of him (or her) do the whole thing together. We're going to do some exercises, which are actually, I think, more fun if you do them together - later on - to practice these words. Okay, good. So let's get started. I'm going to say the German word and I want you to repeat it and then for this step, I'm going to say the translation and you're going to repeat it. You can download this list. So if you want to have the written up list for practicing go on my homepage on slash, and then the episode number. This is episode number six, so you do There you will find the entire show notes, you will find a transcript to download and you will find the link, where you can get the body parts list. So this will take you to my course platform. You will have to register once, it's completely free, and then you will have access to all of the, additional materials that you can get for free with the podcast. Okay, cool, so let's get started, I'll say it and I'll say the English translation and you repeat both. So I'll always leave a little bit of a space in between, hopefully enough for you to repeat it. der Körper Body. der Teil Part. der Körperteil Body part. der Kopf It's the head. das Gesicht - the face. die Stirn forehead. das Auge. eye. die Nase The nose. der Mund. It's the mouth. die Zunge It's the tongue. das Kinn Chin. der Arm arm. die Hand Hand. der Finger it's the finger. der Daumen That's the thumb or the biggest finger. der Bauch It's your belly. der Nabel. It's the belly button. Like the little, whole or whole-ish kind of thing in the middle of your belly. das Bein the leg. der Fuß Foot. die Zehe It's the toe. By the way I have to apologize to all native English speakers. I'm sometimes keeping things intentionally simple, because not all of my students. have English as their native language, and I want to be as understandable for everybody as possible. So "a toe" maybe, depending on your language these are the fingers of your feet. So, "die Zehe", it's a finger of your foot or a toe. das Knie the knee. die Schulter the shoulder. die Augenbraue Eyebrow. das Ohr the ear. das Haar It's the hair. can be used to mean all of the hair together. das Haar Can also be one single hair. der Hals It's the neck. der Rücken The back - this. part of your body behind on the backside. der Bart It's the beard, the facial hair of men. A beard. Good. If you're still a little bit confused, Go back and do this one more time, particularly if you only hear this, if you hear it on the podcast, go to the beginning of the list, and just listen to it again. Other than that, for the next step. I'm gonna say it in German and you'll repeat it. So, ready. We're going to do this twice for every word. der Körper, der Körper der Teil der Teil der Körperteil der Körperteil der Kopf der Kopf das Gesicht das Gesicht die Stirn die Stirn das Auge das Auge die Nase die Nase der Mund der Mund die Zunge die Zunge das Kinn das Kinn der Arm der Arm By the way if you are wondering - this letter - I get asked a lot by my students. This letter, "r" in German. There's an episode and a lesson coming up very soon about the alphabet and there is going to be an entire pronunciation course where we go into this in detail. However, this "r" is not always pronounced as "r". So you can say in this particular word, you could say "Arm". But honestly, at least people in Austria and probably most of Germany even, they will not usually say "Arm" (with a rolled "r"), they will just say "Arm". So it becomes almost silent. Similar, like if you have an "- er" at the end of a word, it is very correctly pronounced as "ah", "der FingA" and there was another example that we just had, just wanted to mention that. - " Stirn" - same thing. "die StiRn" - you can say that, but frankly, people in the theater, on the stage will maybe do that, but most people in day-to-day language, they will not see "die StiRn", they will just see "die Stirn". So in case you're wondering, don't be surprised, when I do these exercises with you, I just try to speak kind of what a "normal" German is, so you get used to normal German, so you will soon be able to go out and talk to people. Okay. Let's carry on. der Arm der Arm. die Hand die Hand der Finger. der Finger. der Daumen der Daumen der Bauch der Bauch der Nabel der Nabel das Bein das Bein der Fuß der Fuß die Zehe die Zehe das Knie das Knie die Schulter die Schulter die Augenbraue die Augenbraue das Ohr das Ohr das Haar das Haar der Hals der Hals der Rücken der Rücken der Bart der Bart OK, good. So before we go to the next step, what I would like you to know and understand is a little bit how to use these exercises. So whenever you do that, you do it as good as you can, you don't have to worry about it, however, if you've done it and then you still are not sure if you're saying it correctly, or you still think it's quite difficult to say them (the words), then you just do it again and you do it again until you're sure or you feel really good about this part of the exercise. Same thing with the first part of the exercise. If you are still confused. "Wait, what, what, what is this one? What does it mean?", then you go back and you do the whole thing again. There's no stress about it, and you can just do it as many times as you need. Don't worry about it, please. Relax, it takes as long as it takes, it will be faster if you do it that way, that I can guarantee you. Good, the next step is, I'm gonna say the German word, and you're going to say the English word. So if you're just listening to this, I really highly recommend, I hope you got yourself the word list because this is going to be much easier. So I'm gonna say it, and then you're gonna say the English translation. der Körper der Teil der Körperteil der Kopf das Gesicht die Stirn das Auge die Nase der Mund die Zunge das Kinn der Arm die Hand der Finger. der Daumen der Bauch der Nabel das Bein der Fuß die Zehe das Knie die Schulter die Augenbraue das Ohr das Haar der Hals der Rücken der Bart All right. So the next step for this word list will be to practice it and there is going to be a sentence pattern. The next episode on the podcast is a sentence pattern to practice these exact words. See you there. Before I go, I'll tell you, you can repeat this, repeat it over and over until you have no worries and you feel very good about that you know what these mean and also how to say them. You will need more practice to actually use them and this is what we are going to learn the next time. Thank you for listening to this episode. You can find a transcript of this episode at www. bettergerman. info and slash and then the number of the episode. You can also sign up for a newsletter there and then you will be informed when there is a new episode coming or any other important events going on, new articles, new freebies or... things like that. If you liked it and it was helpful for you, please share it with other people and let them know that this exists. And if you are looking for a course and you want to learn German online, then you can, of course, find all the infos as well on www. bettergerman. info. See you there and see you in the next episode. Bye bye!

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